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Visualising Brain Signals in 3D in Real-Time

Real-Time Data Analysis and Visualisation Engine

EEG and ECG (electroencephalography and electrocardiography) are visualised either through heat maps projected onto models of the cortical surface for EEG or via simulation of physical function in the case of ECG. Data visualisation produces fully interactive and animated 3D displays of spatially distributed time-series data facilitating an intuitive interpretation of complex phenomena.


NeuroVIS integrates seamlessly with our SaaS applications (VMLpro) and hardware (NeuroTrail) to allow instant analysis, visualisation and streaming of captured EEG data enabling remote EEG applications such as telemonitoring and neurofeedback in real-time from any location.

The Technology

NeuroVIS is the first software platform to exploit Unity's extensive and powerful programming environment for use in biosensory and neuroscientific applications. Ostensibly a gaming engine, Unity takes advantage of the computational power of the graphical processing unit (GPU) thus greatly improving processing speed for real-time analytics and data visualisation. Streaming data from local files, the cloud or connected headsets improves memory usage and computational performance.


Data can be processed from multiple inputs including locally stored EDF/EDF+ files, NeuroPro’s data cloud VMLPro, or via real-time communication with EEG headsets including NeuroTrailMuseOpen BCI.

NeuroVIS is a software application that provides an intuitive and user-friendly way to visualise brain data.

Learn more

If you would like to learn more about NeuroVIS, please visit our YouTube Channel to watch our product overview.

Partner with us

If you are interested in using NeuroVIS in your own research or in the development of other applications, please get in touch.

"NeuroPro is unique in that they are developing some unique and very powerful and visual solutions."

Dr. Sean Hill
Senior Scientist, Scientific Director of Neuroinformatics


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